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 The Time

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Posts : 106
Join date : 2011-01-30

The Time Empty
PostSubject: The Time   The Time EmptySun Jun 05, 2011 9:02 am

Yori stood outside the gates of a place he longed for. He wanted to wish everything would be normal. But he already managed to convinced Hana that Yori was evil, so he would accept fate as it was set. He wouldn't let Hana know he wasn't in a position to fight, he'd treat the fight as he was taunting her. Gowever, entering the village to locate her would be much tougher. Removing the forehead protector, he grinned with his advantage. It's obviously not common knowlege that I left, because the Hokage would've sent out Anbu for me, he thought.

Yori had a plan. He would tell them he had left the village in secreacy to carry out a mission. Risky as it was, with all these people floating in, Yori looked like a regular person without his Sharingan or regular clothing. He choose to blend in with the crowd, a relatively simple task when thought about. Not so much with an injured wrist anyway.

The odd stranger would question about Yori's arm. He wavered them off, telling them it's why he came to Konoha. He'd planned to finish this battle where he choose, outside Konona in an Uchiha Hideout that seemed well enough destroyed by legened, the tale of Sasuke Uchiha killing his older brother Itachi. Somehow, Yori felt this was quite similar, however the roles weren't exactly Uchiha vs Uchiha. She was a Kaguya, with Bone Manipulation.

Without fear or worry, he found a Dango Shop and sat down inside. Yori had purchased a straw hat before hand inside a different store, and now, sipping herbal tea, and eating Dango, he would be wary for any Konoha Shinobi that noticed him enter. Surely their security knew he was here, but Yori wasn't even a threat to anyone. So now he would wait.
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The Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Time   The Time EmptyFri Jun 10, 2011 2:14 pm

(Bump for reply. If not I edit this and continue on.)
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The Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Time   The Time EmptyWed Jun 15, 2011 12:57 am

ooc: This post has not been replied to in over 4 days. Due to the lack of activity this post will spell out, purely based on stats and rank, what would have happened in an agressive manner (i.e. combat). This action is allowed through staff, and if any issue is found with this post then you can PM me first, then the saff.

The ANBU delievered the message to Katsumi with enough haste that he knew he'd have to react accordingly. The ANBU didn't seemed worried about the situation at hand, and the scroll simply gave a location along with the permission of the Hokage to proceed as Katsumi saw fit. He quickly equiped himself with all 5 of his swords, his basic equipment bag, and his straw hat. He quickly set his headband around his neck and tied the long straps behind his neck. The straps gently set down as he walked forward, bouncing as he walked out of his door. He looked around, seeing that the fog hadn't risen. He'd soon use this to his advantage, and approach the missing-nin with the mixture of caution and courage that this situation needed. He took his time approaching the zoned off area. Several ANBU officers were already posted up on the corners of the building, leaving Katsumi with little fear that the missing-nin would have a chance to leave the area before he was able to talk, and perhaps 'neutralize' the shinobi if he needed to.

He knew that time was the key, so he didn't waste it by signaling any of the officers as he entered the establishment. As he walked inside everyone else that was in the small shoppe quickly stood up and walked outside. The missing-nin didn't even move to look, he simply sat there. He looked at the missing-nin, and sighed. He was only a kid, and far from a threat that required this many people to manage. What a waste...but they had been swift to act, so it was a testament to their skill. Reports were entirely too vague, leaving Katsumi to assume the worst. This was far from the worst thing that could have happened, but regardless he needed to manage this situation.

Katsumi kept his calm tone, ensuring the boy that he had been here before, demanding, "Sir, you've entered the village with out permission, you're going to have answer several questions and then come with me... if you try anything you will be killed...", Katsumi quickly raised his hands in the handseal of Tiger and then let them relax to his sides, continuing, "...so, first tell me why you're here..."

Katsumi faced the young man, waiting for a reply. He didn't fear anything that would happen next, and as always he smirked after finishing his demands. Katsumi was no further than 3 meters from the young man, which would give him little time to do anything, if he choose to move or activate handseals. If he dared to raise his hands Katsumi would make sure that he wouldn't ever be able to perform jutsu again. Katsumi had already allowed the room to fill with a small breeze, allowing his body to feel the resturant, rather than him having to check every corner. The next move would be his.

The young man acted like he was in control of the situation. A public place, openly walking into the village, and waiting for someone to show up? No doubt he believed that he had the right 'excuse' to get away with leaving the village. Katsumi thought differently.

Katsumi quickly took to his feet, and walked directly behind the young man. He watched as the young man didn't move much, only his head to watch the direction in which Katsumi was heading. He didn't notice it in time, but it didn't matter if he did. Allowing himself to delude his own toughts down to this illusion of safety in a village that was on the brink of assault was his down fall. That and crossing paths with Katsumi on his path to peace.

The clone took its forearm and ran it across the young man's throat with extreme speed. It didn't have enough time to fully choke out the opponent, but it did hold enough chakra to pull the yound man backwards. The pull caused the young man's throat to shut for a full 2 seconds, sending impulses of shock and desperation through his entire body. Katsumi read it all like a book, watching his legs flail in the air, and his hands spread out to catch himself. The failed attempt to keep his footing left him on the floor scrambling for a foothold. The situation was already over. The young man only reached his knee when Katsumi walked over to him, and with a charge of chakra and focus knee'd him in the lower chin.

The wind that had been the room disapated as Katsumi watched the young man's eyes close. The whole fight took around 15 seconds, and in all honesty was a waste of his time. Or perhaps not...

Katsumi took hold the scroll that read the kids bio, and he slowly fingered down the information. He stopped at one line, and smirked.

"Uchiha...", he slowly read out loud.

He shook his head, and took the young man's limp body over his shoulder. He would need to first see a medical-nin...

As Katsumi was running through the process of interrogation in his mind, the young man's limp body tensed up. The young man took the hit, and in fact passed out but he had managed to grab a weapon during the scramble to his feet. The metal whistled out, and Katsumi quickly dropped the body before he made his way around with the kunai.

Katsumi smirked, and unsheathed his sword. The kunai passed the drawn blade, and soon the forearm that held the kunai was apart for its former master's body. Katsumi quickly took the blade, and pressed it deep into the young man's back.

It was done. Not clean, but it didn't have to be. This message would be sent out to all the missing-nin that wished to collapse the village's peace. Katsumi took the young man's body, making sure that the running blood didn't come in contact with him, to the nearest medical-nin so that his new prize could be stored.
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The Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Time   The Time EmptyWed Jun 22, 2011 6:23 am

(Uh, I do have a problem with this. But it doesn't matter since I didn't give anyone a notice about me disappearing to prepare for exams so as far as I know my excuse is invalid.)
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The Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Time   The Time EmptyWed Jun 22, 2011 12:43 pm

ooc: Sorry to see this, but when you bump a topic you're implying that you're ready to post and simply waiting on others to do so. You didn't post for a week, so we were left to assume you were done or simply not posting.
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The Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Time   The Time EmptyWed Jun 22, 2011 7:21 pm

OOC: Although I am a little new to the site, what you did TheBlindRedKing was a little weird.... It took you nearly six days to post assuming that your four day guess is correct considering that the post that you had is from the 15th, which is 10 days from 5th. Really, that is a fairly long time on yourself to post, and as such the topic should truly be considered inactive even though he bumped the topic the day before your assumed post. In addition, I am reading something about a clone in here except 1. I never saw you post the shadow clone jutsu or ANY other clone jutsu in at least a spoiler, 2. I never saw you state or allude to the fact that you created a clone, 3. You in most of the post was within sight range of a shadow clone creation, 4. You state a clone..... assuming that you did #1, which you did, we never know what clone it actually is, meaning it should be an academy E-ranked level clone and thus the rest of your post should be nulled. I agree about the brevity of the fight, but I am only knit-picking because it is only a D-ranked missing-nin who unfortunately could not post because of RL issues, although they should have been expressed in an OOC topic or post, vs. an A-rank Jounin who should have acted differently in this case, especially because of the lack of a threat coming from the ninja. One might be able to argue that the actions were correct, but it defies logic that his actions warranted his death.
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The Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Time   The Time EmptyWed Jun 22, 2011 8:22 pm

ooc: I'm not aware of the fact that you're a mod Dean; if you have been made a mod I'll change what I've posted (other than the clone issue which you need to look further into before posting as you did). As such I'll treat this as it is: a mere suggestion. I created a clone using a technique that was approved after training, and the allusion that you believe is needed isn't warranted. The technique is located in the list still being trained on, and if you need a link please ask. As for the actions taken... Due to the lack of material posted I was allowed to rp this situation out as I saw fit. He should have notified someone at the very least of the RL issues that he or she had planned. I would argue that if some one had an issue that wasn't planned and didn't post then I shouldn't be allowed the course of actions I took. Until stated otherwise this will stand as is. If you have any issue PM me until you're made a mod or someone with the authority to make such a bold analysis of the situation at hand.


Last edited by TheBlindRedKing on Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Time   The Time EmptyWed Jun 22, 2011 8:29 pm

(Uh, not to intrude but I dont' care who the fuck has something to say they can damn well say it.)
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The Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Time   The Time EmptyWed Jun 22, 2011 8:35 pm

ooc: The issue here isn't the right to post something, its how and where its posted. What he posted was in ignorance of what jutsu I was using, and as such I responding accordingly. As for Dean: Derek posted then bumped the topic. I posted in response with no action taken other than walking in the shoppe to confront him on entering the village. I waited for however many days and the topic wasn't posted on. I asked the Staff and I was allowed an edit so that I could take a course of action. So that you know.
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The Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Time   The Time EmptyWed Jun 22, 2011 9:03 pm

It took him so long to post considering the fact he was in Ohio visiting us. When he was here we were busy running around or he was spending time at the airport waiting for his flights that kept getting cancelled. Aside from that he had posted before but because Drew had not replied for a long duration of time, theBlindRedKing edited his original post in order to create this post you see now. This should clear up some confusion so that it doesn't seem like he just busted in and did as he pleased.

Aside from this there are staff members whom had said "if he does not post, do as you please" seeing as how we felt he had fallen inactive. An ooc topic about exams should have been posted beforehand. if you can bump a topic you can post a topic stating you were absent. Therefore the reason is invalid unless stated otherwise by one of the admin.


Quote :
Katsumi quickly raised his hands in the handseal of Tiger and then let them relax to his sides, continuing

Implies the clone that was created. He just didn't list the technique in a spoiler. One handseal is all that is necessary to create the clone. For more info on the jutsu it's the second one down: Click.

Also, the way the situation was handled seems justified due to the fact that Yori IS a missing ninja. All missing nin were attacked upon entering the village, even Katsumi. If he did not wish to create harm to the village he should have posted in a different manner. Such as turning himself in so that he may talk to the Hokage or some other manner that shows he is peaceful. It was obvious he was not interested in this for the fact is he entered and went to a dinner in order to wait on someone to attack him. He KNEW someone was going to find him. The second he entered the village the gaurds and ANBU would be on it as though he were a terrorist about to the bomb the village. No one can truly enter casually and not expect some sort of fight.

Another note, Dean I am not aware that you are a mod. If so the staff members failed to inform me. In consideration of this fact I ask that next time you please contact a staff member to evaluate the topic and give the said staff member what you just said as your reasoning for concern.

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D-Rank Criminal

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The Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Time   The Time EmptyWed Jun 22, 2011 9:52 pm

You can't post with a character and then suddenly back off and not post without warning the other person in the thread. You showed up down in the visitors while he waited.

We can do this one of two ways.

1. Accept your loss.
2. Ask him if you can battle him again legitimately and if you back out all of a sudden then you still loose your character.
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The Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Time   The Time EmptyWed Jun 22, 2011 11:45 pm

In all honesty, arguing the point of Shadow Clone, the right to post, etc. is rather pointless because the only person you seem to be telling this to is Dean considering that Derek himself hasn't appeared to ask any question or, in my view based on previous posts, even seem to care all to much for the death of his character.

Also, since Dean's neither a mod nor a factor in this situation, there's no need to post arguments into the thread (PM and/or chatbox is a different story), likewise, there's no need for Dean to post in the thread (Again, PM and/or chatbox is a different story). Nevertheless, unless Derek himself requests an explaination/negotiation/etc. no one should be posting in this topic. (Though if Derek is indeed fine with it or refuses to give some sort of insent as to what he wants, then this thread will be completely official after 48 hours, no question)
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The Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Time   The Time EmptyThu Jun 23, 2011 6:40 am

Because I don't really have a valid reason. I studied for my exams, forgot to tell anyone about them. My fault. The keyword is I didn't tell anyone Iwas writing exams, I was gone for about what, maybe a week or more, you guys were perfectly fine with him killing off a character he knew little about. In fact he didn't even know my character was injured. Or that he changed his attire and I had asked Shauntay back when she was on the Administration here to update it for me.

Even if I was here to have posted, if he was to attack me, I'd have no real way to fight back except for kunai and shurikens. So given the odds, I doubt I'd choose to do a fight with a jounin level ninja.

So I'd rather just accept the loss. Move on, and wait about 3-8 months before I finally decide on my next character.
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D-Rank Criminal

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The Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Time   The Time EmptyThu Jun 23, 2011 11:25 am

!. He would have known about you and has every right to kill you if he wants. You left the village with a fight that Shi, his summon, Shauntay and of course NPC ANBU would know about. You're an Uchiha walking out of the village, an Uchiha that even Shi wanted but let Shauntay fight.

2. If you don't want to fight and let him kill your character as a PC then let me know in a PM so it's official.
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